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 Rawacon Co., ltd. is a cleantech R&D technology company founded in Japan to pursue an unconventional solution for two unsolvable contaminations based on synthetic biology and bio-reactor technologies.

1. Tritium-contaminated radioactive water, which hasn’t been solved to this day. 

 Rawacon's technology developed a concept to find a solution for the worldwide tritium-contaminated water trouble arising from nuclear power plants.

2. PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances), known as forever chemicals, are human-made chemicals that are used worldwide in various industrial and consumer products for heat, water, and oil resistance.


In the past twelve years, large amounts of water were necessary to cool down the reactors.
The water was purified in an ALPS method, which resulted in separation from all nuclear waste besides Tritium.
Separation of Tritium from nuclear-contaminated water is almost impossible because Tritium is a radioactive isotope that becomes part of the water itself, which cannot be identified and isolated in a conventional approach. Therefore, Tritium cannot be separated without using an unconventional approach. Due to the continuous cooling of the damaged reactors (12 yrs), a large amount of  Tritium contaminated water (1.3 million Tons) was stored in 1100 tanks. The stored water raises concerns regarding future environmental risks, and a long-term solution is necessary. Additionally, 150 tons of contaminated water are accumulating daily.
As of today, a technology to separate tritium from water doesn't exist.


PFAS is a large, complex group of synthetic chemicals that have been used in consumer products around the world since the 1950s.

PFAS are a concern because they:

  • Do not break down in the environment.

  • Can move through soils and contaminate drinking water sources.

  • Build up (bioaccumulate) in fish and wildlife.

As a result, Pfas can be found in 97% of the US population.

The Solution: Synthetic Biology with AI modeling of the DNA

Our proposed solution uses combined technologies, mainly synthetic biology and bioreactor technology, to create a highly effective system for removing Tritium from bodies of water and breaking down pfas. 
Synthetic biology techniques will be implemented using AI to modify a  bacteria genome, enhancing its ability to deal with each
The bacteria are encapsulated and released in a see-through bioreactor to promote photosynthesis of the bacteria.
The contaminated water flows through the bioreactor and unique patented capsules, enabling the trapped bacteria to absorb and separate the Tritium from the water and break down pfas.
As a result,
1. The radioactive waste volume will shrink by more than 99%. The water will be Tritium-free in a short time (as opposed to 30-40 years) and via a much cheaper process before being released into the Ocean.
2. The pfas will carbon binds will break down and the water will be pfas free.



Due to our combination of technologies, the company can promote a comprehensive solution to water contamination around the world.

Our main advantages:

  1. AI-modeled Bacteria, which is modified for enhanced absorption of radioactive debris and breakdown of pfas. 

  2. A cleaning solution that, due to its biological nature, won't introduce a new environmental problem.

  3. New biological defense layer designed for any nuclear power plant on Earth.

Our Partners:

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